
Standing Cookers

Get here best-selling Standing Cookers in Kenya and pay on delivery countrywide. free delivery in Nairobi with one year warranty

Patabay Cookers store and dealer shop in Nairobi is a trusted Cookers dealer in Kenya. We strive to ensure you get the best prices and product quality from the best among Cookers suppliers in Nairobi, Kenya, and its pay on delivery countrywide.

Things to consider when looking for a standing cooker

  1. Size of the cooker – the size and design of the cooker should fit well in the cooking area to provide efficient working space.
  2. Fuel type- the commonly used fuels for standing gas cookers are gas and electricity.
  3. Type of door
  4. Price- Choose one that is pocket friendly.

Price of standing cookers in Kenya.

Patabay Kenya offers a range of choices to choose from. The prices start from KSH 20,500  up to KSH 83,999.

All cookers vary in size,  types of fuels used, and several burners. Cookers that use gas as their main fuel tend to be cheaper than cookers that use electricity.

Advantages of Cookers

One of the biggest benefits of freestanding ovens is their versatility. For example, they can easily be moved around, which means that you can change your floor plan or kitchen layout without having to worry about it.

Furthermore, freestanding ovens are not fixed or integrated into any other kitchen element, so you will not have to change anything when installing one in another location.

Finally, given that there are many different models available to choose from, finding the right combination of functions and features should not be too difficult.

Best cookers in Kenya.

We offer you cookers from the best and most reliable companies in Kenya. Some of the brands are; Ramtons, Von Hotpoint, Mika, Bruhm, Armco, and Hisense among other brands.

Go ahead and make your order today on from the comfort of your home or office and have your shopping delivered at your doorstep within 3-24 hours.
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